solo exhibitions:
- Zrušeno-canceled, Galerie 1. patro, Praha, 2021
- When a Table is a Chair, Galerie SPZ, Praha, 2017
- Contrived Coincidence, Galerie 1. patro, Praha, 2015
- Blue, Institute of Microbiology, Třeboň 2013
- Nothing but Painting, Berlin model, Praha 2013
- God is More Powerful than Devil, Praha 2012
- Graffity, Karlín Studios, Prague 2010
- Deconstruction of Guernica, Brno 2009
- Back to nature, ETC Prague 2009
- Ilegal particip no. 2, IZRAHELL 2009
- Go Into Yourself, Divus Unit 30 London 2008
- Ilegal particip no. 1, Designblok Prague 2008
- Nobody, Karlín Studios, Prague2008
- Paradise-Trees Fruits We Eat, NoD Roxy 2007
- Plexi, České Budějovice 2007
- Art Worker, Karlín Studios, Prague 2006
- AM 180, Prague 2005
- Good Idea, NOD Gallery, Prague 2004
- Nothing Exist, Display Gallery, Prague 2003
- Remixes, MXM Gallery, Prague 2000
- Die Kunst ist unser Leben, NG Prague 1999
- Visions and Illusions, Špála Gall., Prague 1998
- Goldfinger, AVU Gallery, Prague 1997
- Thus Spoke Buddha, Velryba Gall., Prague 1995
- Enda a Špína, Obecní dům Gallery, Prague 1992
group exhibitions:
- A Place that Could be Home, Galerie NTK, Praha 2022
- Neighborhood Boogle Woogle, Agoraphilia, Hunt Kastner, Praha, 2019
- Angry Planet – Operation Continues, Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Brno, 2018
- Angry Planet, Galerie NTK, Praha 2017
- A Possibility, NTK, Praha 2014
- Private Nationalism, Divus, Praha 2014
- Homo Mathematicus, NTK, Praha 2012
- Prague Bienale V, Microna 2011
- The Islands of Resistance, NG-Veletržní palác, Praha, 2012
- Middle East Europe, DOX, Praha, 2012
- Whose City is This?, Karlín studios, Praha 2011
- Prague Biennale IV, Prague 2009
- Text.cz, Šternberg Gallery 2008
- Gross Domestic Prod., Library ofPrague 2007
- Safe, Karlín Studios, Prague 2007
- Shadows of humor, Wroclaw 2006
- Neutral, Motorenhalle, Dresden 2004
- Eastern Alliance, Berlin 2004
- Close Encounters, NoD Gallery, Prague 2003
- Ostensive II. Czech centre, Berlin 2002
- Criss-cross, Broumov 2001
- ÜberlebensKunst, KV Berlin 2000
- Confrontation, Czech centre, London 2000
- Maxi-store, Mánes Gallery, Prague 1998
- Reduced Budget, Mánes Gallery, Prague 1998
- Diplomanti, Strahov monastery, Prague 1997
- 4 Artists, MXM Gallery, Prague 1996
- Test Run, Galerie Mánes, Praha, 1995
- Villa, Richter´s villa, Prague 1995
- Hybernatus, AVU Gallery, Prague 1995
- AVU, U Hybernů Gallery, Prague 1990
National Gallery
– Veletržní palác, Prague 1999
Exhibition in the lobby of the National Gallery building Veletržní palace curated by Radek Váňa. The installation included large-scale photographs – 200 x 400 cm and signs. The letters were cut out of polystyrene. The sign LOVE on the floor was made of colorful adhesive tapes – size 10 x 40 m.